The Journal of Behavioral Finance is a publication of The Institute of Behavioral Finance and Taylor & Francis, LLC.
The journal is intended to foster debate among groups who have keen insights into the behavioral patterns of markets but have not historically published in the more traditional financial and economic journals. Further, it is designed to stimulate new interdisciplinary research and theory that will build a body of knowledge about the psychological influences on market fluctuations. The most obvious benefit is a new understanding of markets that can greatly improve investment decision making. Another benefit is the opportunity for behavioral scientists to expand the scope of their studies via the use of the enormous databases that document behavior in markets. Offering penetrating insights into the impact of psychological forces on economic performance, The Journal of Behavioral Finance is an indispensable resource for academics and practitioners alike.
Practitioners and investment professionals; personality, social, and organizational psychologists; clinical and cognitive psychologists, psychiatrists, and other mental health professionals; specialists in consumer behavior and marketing; specialists in the multidisciplinary study of judgment and decision making; researchers in finance and accounting; specialists in behavioral economics; and economic sociologists and anthropologists.
Please follow these guidelines when preparing and submitting an article. Keep in mind you are writing for readers with a variety of backgrounds not necessarily the same as your own. Write to express, not to impress, and write the way you talk. Keep it simple; brevity and conciseness are valued, but be sure to create interest. Colorful language and examples are encouraged. Equations and formulas are discouraged, except in appendixes.
Formatting Style
Manuscripts should be prepared according to the guidelines in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (4th ed.; the manual is available from the APA Book Order Department, Dept. KK, P.O. Box 92984, Washington, DC 20090?2984; 1- 800?374?2721; http://www.apa.org).
Manuscripts should generally be no more than 30 pages and should be double spaced with wide margins and numbered pages.
Cover page
The front page should include the authors? full name(s), title(s), address(es), zip code(s), phone number(s), e-mail address(es), and type of software used.
References and citations
References, endnotes, tables, and figures should appear on separate pages at the end of the text.
Limit references to works cited in the text and list them alphabetically. Citations in the text should appear as "Smith [1990] suggests that ? ." Use page numbers for quotes.
Use periods instead of commas between authors? names and titles of references.
Minimize the number of endnotes. Use superscript Arabic numbers in the text and on the endnote page.
Figures and tables
Number and title all exhibits, with one to a page. Write out the column heads and legends; they should be understandable figures and graphs in camera-ready form as we cannot draw them for you.
Center any equations on a separate line, numbered consecutively with Arabic numbers placed in parenthesis in the right margin.
Special characters
Identify Greek letters in the margin for the typesetter. Please make clear markings, in a color other than black, when inserting Greek letters or equations into the text.
Include a brief article summary. The summary should include five key words that can be used in searches for the article.
Publication Agreement
The publication agreement must be signed and returned before an accepted article can be published.
Reprints Authors may order reprints of their articles when they receive page proofs. Printing considerations do not permit the ordering of reprints after authors have returned proofs.
The Journal of Behavioral Finance uses an online submission process. Please follow the instructions below to submit your article:
Getting Started
1. Launch your web browser (supported browsers include Internet Explorer 7 or higher, Netscape 7.0, 7.1, or 7.2, Safari 1.2.4, or Firefox 2 or higher) and go to the Journal of Behavioral Finance?s ScholarOne Manuscripts homepage (http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/HBHF).
2. Type your e-mail address into the Password Help section of the main page and click ?Go? to see if the journal has already created an account for you.
? After clicking ?Go?, you will receive an e-mail with a temporary password to allow you to Log In and complete your necessary contact information and change your temporary password to one of your choosing.
? Or, click the ?Create Account? option if you are a first-time user of ScholarOne Manuscripts.
3. If you are creating a new account:
? After clicking on ?Create Account? enter your name and e-mail information and click ?Next?. Your e-mail information is very important.
? Enter your institution and address information as prompted then click ?Next.?
? Enter a user ID and password of your choice (we recommend using your e-mail address as your user ID) and then select your area of expertise. Click ?Finish? when done.
4. Log-in and select ?Author Center.?
Submitting Your Manuscript
5. After you have logged in, click the ?Submit a Manuscript? link on the Author Center screen.
6. Enter data and answer questions as prompted.
7. Click on the ?Next? button on each screen to save your work and advance to the next screen.
8. Your will be prompted to upload your files:
? Click on the ?Browse? button and locate the file on your computer.
? Select the description of the file in the drop down next to the Browse button.
? When you have selected all files you wish to upload, click the ?Upload? button.
NOTE: you have a limit of 30 MB combined for all files you upload.
9. Review your submission (in both PDF and HTML formats) before sending to the Editors. Click the ?Submit? button when you are done reviewing.
You may stop a submission at any phase and save it to submit later. After submission, you will receive a confirmation via e-mail. You can also log-on to ScholarOne Manuscripts any time to check the status of your manuscript. The Editors will inform you via e-mail once a decision has been made.